Torco Termite and Pest Control





Bed Bugs



And Other Pests!

Phone Icon (520) 314-2220

8718 E. 29th Street, Tucson, Arizona

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Locally Owned.  Ready 24/7.

Exceptional Service!

Arizona Lic. 9881

TORCO Termite and Pest Control

Phone Icon (614) 697-0237
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

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TORCO™ | Liquid Termite Treatment Provides 100% Success

Liquid treatment involves the application of liquid termiticide into the soil under and adjacent to a structure to create an impervious chemical barrier. It is carefully applied to provide a continuous barrier along the inside and outside of the foundation, under some slabs, and around utility entrances. The termiticide must be dispersed adequately in the soil in order to provide a barrier to termite entry.

TORCO™ features one such termiticide that is 100% effective at controlling 100% of the termites within three months or less—a statement that no other product can deliver except Termidor, TORCO™'s weapon of choice. Since the product was introduced in the United States in 2000, the product has been used successfully in over four million structures.

Termidor eliminates termites by both ingestion and contact, and is lethal to termites simply through contact with other exposed individuals. And because Termidor is non-repellent (undetectable to termites), the insects freely forage through treated areas, unknowingly ingesting, picking up, and transferring the termiticide throughout the colony.

In ten-plus years of concrete slab testing, as well as seven-plus years of testing on ground boards (including USDA Forest Service testing for both), Termidor has repeatedly been 100% effective on subterranean termites (including Formosans) in all states at all labeled rates—even the most challenging situations, climates, and environments. That's a perfect score on every test—a performance record no other termite control can match.

Worker Performing Liquid Termite Treatment